Directions to Old Crowe Farm
Our history-rich farm is nestled in Charlotte County in south central Virginia.
815 Little Retreat Road
Red Oak, Virginia 23964
GPS Warning
Your GPS may take you to the farm that is just as you turn onto 690/Little Retreat Road. That is not our farm!
Continue down the road about 1/2 a mile and you will see our Organic Farm signs on both sides of the road as you come onto the farm property. About 1/4 mile further down on the left you will see our main farm sign. Guest parking is on the left and also marked with a sign.
Get Directions
- 16 miles North of Clarksville, VA
- 23 miles from South Boston, VA
- 54 miles from Danville, VA
- 91 miles from Raleigh, NC
- 97 miles from Richmond, VA
- 99 miles from Charlottesville, VA
- 198 miles from Washington DC